a brighter Oklahoma starts with you

In 2024, we trained 2,276 mental health first aiders from over 60 organizations across Oklahoma.

“Talking about suicide - it brought up a topic that most don't want to speak about or know how to speak about.”

“It's helpful to see how a discussion can flow, how a person may still make mistakes or insert their own biases, but then to see how to effectively redirect yourself and the discussion.”

“[The instructor] was GREAT!!! Very funny but very real and passionate about the subject matter.”

Help someone find a path out of darkness

Join more than 2.6 million people across the country who have been trained to identify, understand and respond to signs & symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge - become a Mental Health First Aider!

what is MHFA?

Learn more about this interactive, evidence-based training and the positive impact you can have on your community!

who we are

Meet the DCCCA staff and instructors that make MHFA Oklahoma possible.